Krista Goodsitt CBCC-KA Goodsittdogs
Krista Goodsitt CBCC-KA Goodsittdogs
Being a certified behaviourist means that we understand not only how to train your dog but why we train. That's why we like to start off with a phone or in person consultation to better understand exactly how we can help! We also offer different training options for the specific needs of our clients and can do all of the series listed below in our neighborhood or bring the training right to your door. Please call or email for more information on services and to set up an in person consultation.
Behavior Consultation
I'm a behaviorist and let's face it this is why most of you call. The reason I can help is that at some point in time I've faced the same issue you are dealing with with my personal dogs or a client's dog and have come out on the other side. Some of the behaviors we see and can help with are; separation anxiety, fear/anxiety issues, leash aggression/reactivity, house soiling/potty training, dog/animal/human aggression, housemate issues and much more. If you need help with a behavior issue please call or email to set up an in person consultation. During the approx. 1.5 hour consultation we will come to you to observe your home environment and address any issues and start to develope a training plan that works for you, your family and dog(s). and if needed set up any future sessions.
Leash Handling for Dogs with Dog/Dog Aggression or Reactivity
One of the biggest reasons I get called is for Fido going crazy at other dogs out on walks on a leash. This doesn't only make the walk miserable for you, but embarrassing as well. Addressing the problem takes time, patience, and a positive attitude. At Goodsittdogs we have seen all sorts of dog reactivity to motorcycles, bikes, squirrels, you name it! Please call or e-mail for a consultation and pricing.
Introducing a New Pack Member or Sourcing a New Dog
Finding a new pack member or adding one to an existing pack can be a daunting and stressful experience. At Goodsittdogs we help take some of the stress out of that for you. With our years of expertise we can help you integrate a new member or even help you find the perfect fit for your lifestyle from the beginning.
Day Training
Day training is for the individual who cannot find the time to work with their dog as much as they would like or have finished a series or behavior consultation with us and need some support keeping it going. We bring the training right to your dog while you are at work or pick them up for some socialization and exercise to keep all of your hard work on point. We will work with your dog and then give a detailed training plan and show you how to execute it for results. These series require a consultation so please inquire for rates and info.
Puppy Packages for puppies (3-6 months)
The ultimate in puppy 101. This private puppy series is brought right to your door in three sessions. This is the puppy basics, the essentials of raising a well-behaved dog. Teaching your puppy: Where to go potty (house-training). Basic manners, such as sit, down, and come when called. That human hands are not for chewing on and that dog toys are. How to settle down and relax. To get used to being alone every now and then. To be comfortable with handling. To like and accept new people and dogs (socialization).
This class will give you all the information you need to train and socialize your puppy into a confident, well-behaved dog. (Please note that your puppy must have had two shots and close to his third shot.)
Beginner/Intermediate Obedience (6 months and up)
A basic obedience class for beginners and for any dog that could use a little tune-up in the manners department. This series can be taken in Hollywood or brought right to you. This series is five sessions. Commands include sit, stay, down, come, walk nicely on leash, and wait at the curb.
We practice scenarios from real life and give you problem solving skills you can use every day with your dog. The whole family is welcome to participate!
In the intermediate series we continue having fun with your dog as you build on the skills learned in the beginner series! Intermediate Obedience focuses on strengthening behaviors such as coming when called, heeling and stays. Distractions and distance from the handler are added elements in this class. Training Games are used to teach your dog important life skills that also strengthen the human/canine bond.
Getting Ready For the Canine Good Citizen Test (6 months and up with basic obedience skills)
Once you and your dog have tackled basic and intermediate obedience the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Test is the next step for well mannered dogs and handlers or those interested in therapy work. This series is done in six sessions. The exercises include: Accepting a friendly stranger. Sitting politely for petting. Out for a walk. Walking through a crowd. Sit, down, and stay. Coming when called. Reaction to another dog. Supervised separation. And more.
Urban Life with Your Dog
Want to take your best friend to the dog park or hiking, but lack the confidence to do so safely? We're with you every step of the way. These sessions include: reading dog body language, knowing a friendly dog vs. a not so good to meet dog, dog introductions, off leash do's and don'ts and much more! These require a consultation so please inquire for rates and info.